I left for the weekend, and although Mark is more than capable of running this house without me for a few days, he did bring in some help.
Doug was in charge of TV dinners.
My dad and our friend Kurt were in charge of cutting drywall.
I returned to find holes in the walls and ceiling, thanks to a leaking pipe. It turns out that when the house was built six years ago, the dining room paneling was installed with some long nails. One of them entered the pipe that carries water to an upstairs shower, and that nail plugged the hole this entire time. For whatever reason, it let go just before I left for my trip. The weird outlines on the basement ceiling became something more sinister while I was gone, and by the time I was flying back home, the quest for the leaky pipe had begun.
I have to say, we had a crack investigative team. They made two large cuts in the basement to find the place from which the water was dripping, one cut in AJ's closet to find that the problem must be lower, and then, jackpot! A hole in the foyer revealed the guilty nail and problem pipe. I was impressed.
I'll let you know when I'm able to start taking some "after" shots.