Last night was our neighborhood swim team banquet...another season over. We'd spent the previous ten hours at the championship swim meet. AJ swam in the morning, Syd and Bailey in the afternoon. It's kind of long, but the kids enjoy it, and they swam well. It's hard to beat the kind of exercise that a summer of swim team provides. I hope that they continue to do it for years to come.
It's Spirit Week for the swim team leading up to the Regional Championships this weekend. Each day has a different fun theme, and today is Crazy Hair Day. Bailey had a great hair idea and no hair to execute it, so she generously passed the idea on to Syd. It worked perfectly, and Sydney had this awesome, wacky look. She's be great in the B-52's, wouldn't she?
Nothing more fun than getting up at 5am to tramp to the beach and get your picture taken! I do know 4 children who would argue with that assertion. Nonetheless, that was our first activity of the day, and it was worth it! We saw a beautiful sunrise and shot some lovely photos.
What a great week! This party of 19 filled a beach house, and it was fun for everyone. We had great weather and played games and swam in the pool and ocean. We rode the bumper cars, go-carts and paddle boats. And, of course, we ate constantly. Each family took a turn cooking dinner. One negative was the riptide that drew the red flags at the beach our last couple of days (or as Cal said upon making a fruitless trip to the beach, "The ocean was canceled.")
Bailey decided (and I encouraged her strongly) to get her hair cut and donate it to Locks of Love. Rachel did the cutting, and it turned out great. The ten inches needed for the donation was more hair than Bailey expected, and she looked like she might change her mind. Rachel cut the front a little less than the back to make it less shocking for Bailey in the mirror. Now if only I could get Sydney to do it, too.