Sunday, December 9, 2007

Weight Watchers Treat

I haven't mentioned it in the blog, but my Weight Watchers experience has been extremely positive. I've lost 20 pounds, and I have 5 more to go. It's getting harder now. I don't know if it's the holidays and the constant temptations that come with the season or if I've just run out of stamina. Needless to say, I'm not sticking to the program as diligently in November and December, and I need some motivation if I'm going to reach my goal anytime soon.

New inspiration came this week from a fellow WW member. At Wednesday's meeting, she shared a recipe for these chocolate haystacks that are only one point each! They are made from Fiber One cereal and chocolate chips. I thought they were delicious, but Mark disagreed. He thought they looked horrible and tasted worse.


gomomyourock said...

motivation - you look great! you could always practice maintenance during the holidays and get back with the program in january.

haystacks - look yummy

wondering about - the very precise nature of the m&m placement behind the haystacks!

congrats on your success!

Anonymous said...

The haystacks ARE yummy.

That would be Sydney with the M&M's - she has some serious Type A tendencies. She, however, did not like the haystacks.