This picture makes me think of those features you see in the paper where you get this wacky photo, and you're asked to write the caption.
Why is our microwave oven out on the deck sunning itself, you ask? Monday evening, I attempted to make microwave french fries, and they pretty much caught on fire. I suddenly smelled something bad and turned to see smoke coming from the microwave. I immediately stopped it, but the damage was done. Those fries were blackened beyond recognition.
The worst part was the horrible smell. It filled the main floor and upstairs, too, and it would not go away. I looked online for advice in ridding your microwave of burned food smells. I tried cooking a bowl of vinegar and a mug of coffee grounds in water. Neither helped. Cleaning the microwave with nail polish remover was also recommended, but that did not seem like a wise choice to me.
By Wednesday morning, the smell was making me crazy! Even my hands smelled like those burned fries. I couldn't take it, so I banished the microwave to the deck for the entire day. Would you believe that it helped? After bringing the oven back inside, I cleaned it, as well as the cabinet that houses it, with a bleach spray and Febreze® and Lysol® and finally the smell is gone!
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