As you may know, we have for many years given each child a turn at being on the license plates of both my truck and Tara's van. Way back before we were married, Tara had MY TARA and then 6-24-95 (our wedding date).
After Cal was born, I had CAL'S DAD and she had 4-18-96. We used to get a lot of honks and waves from strangers on the way to and from Oriole Park when we were in the truck with that plate.
For Bailey, I had 8-07-97 and Tara had BAILY SU (seven letters is the max allowed).
Up until recently, the van had SYD BEAN (based on her nicknames, Syd Bean and Beaners), and I had SYD'S DAD.
Now, the van has AJ'S TURN and finally today, we changed the truck to AJ ATLST (AJ at last).
Over the years we have saved all the old plates. In the old house we used to have them all mounted on the wall in the garage. One day soon we hope to get them all up on the wall here, too.