Sunday, December 16, 2007
Fun on the Deck while Dad's at work
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Weight Watchers Treat
New inspiration came this week from a fellow WW member. At Wednesday's meeting, she shared a recipe for these chocolate haystacks that are only one point each! They are made from Fiber One cereal and chocolate chips. I thought they were delicious, but Mark disagreed. He thought they looked horrible and tasted worse.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
We have so much to be thankful for this year, but topping the list has to be the birth of our first nephew/cousin, Jackson. Dave and Emily generously offered to fly here to join us for Jack's first Thanksgiving, and it has been an awesome visit. Jackson is adorable (of course) and mild-mannered, and the kids can't get enough of him. My mom hosted our Thanksgiving meal this year giving me something else for which I am thankful!
Jamestown with the 5th Grade
On Friday, Bailey's class had a field trip to Jamestown, and I was a chaperone. It turned out to be a fun trip. The weather was cold and windy, but at least it wasn't raining. I had never been to Jamestown before, so I learned a lot. Did you know as recently as 40 years ago, it was thought that the site of the original settlement had eroded into the James River? Dr. Bill Kelso convinced folks that an archaeological dig would contradict that notion, and since then, over a million artifacts have been discovered.
We also made it to the Virginia Historical Society for a tour. What a great place! We had a terrific docent who really kept the kids engaged. Apparently you can visit the place for free on Sundays - I'd like to make a field trip for us one day.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
61 Pancakes
In many ways, having lots of kids is just easier. Everyone always has a playmate. If they get tired of the one they are playing with, they just move on to someone else. If you need a favor or a chore accomplished, someone in a good mood is probably available.
It's the meals that will get you. Feeding a family of 10 has very little down time. You finish one meal, you really need to be starting (or at least planning) the next one. This morning, I fixed 61 pancakes (thank you, Uncle Chris, for my awesome electric griddle - not a burned pancake in the bunch!). It was 11:15 before the mess was cleaned up. And it was 12:00 when I started making lunch.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Blogger houseguests
When your favorite bloggers leave their children with you for the weekend, you feel the pressure to uphold that blogger tradition. We didn't go anywhere without the camera. Soccer games, lunch at Martin's, pyramid-building in the frigid, fall weather, and lots of playing back at home.
Somehow building pyramids in the sand is so much easier than trying to do it when you're cold and all bundled up. But we eventually succeeded.
Cal, Will and the Little People® spent several quality hours playing together. Meanwhile, the girls modeled all the clothes in the house in their elaborate game of make-believe. (Cal reported that he was recruited to play Luke, the security guard, but he refused.)
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Halloween 2007
Halloween brought extra excitement this year as we were a part of AJ's friend Kate's first trick-or-treating experience. Kate doesn't live in a neighborhood ideal for going door-to-door, so we were happy to take her around our neighborhood.
Cal had his first opportunity to go out with his friends instead of his family. He proudly returned with six pounds of candy!
Women's soccer
UVA women's soccer played Virginia Tech, and we just had to see it. On the plus side, the weather was beautiful, it was $1 concessions night, many of Bailey's teammates met us there, and we were able to see some awesome soccer. On the negative side, the game didn't start until 8pm which meant home by 10:30pm. On a school night! Needless to say, we had a great time.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Syd's birthday
Friends, Lindsay Lohan movies, a cosmetologist and pink feather boas - could a 9-year-old's birthday party get any better than this? I don't think so.
Sydney invited two friends and generously included AJ in all activities. After pizza, cake and ice cream, the evening's events began. While the girls watched movies, our favorite hair stylist/babysitter, Rachel, adorned them one by one with a glamorous hairdo. We took tons of photos, and the girls had a great time.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Game Day
Game Day twenty years ago:
Restock t-shirts - check.
Restock sweatshirts - check.
Restock hats - check.
Restock sweatpants - check.
Restock face tattoos and decals - check.
Game Day today:
Cooler for Calvin
Cooler for Bailey
Cooler for Sydney
Cooler for Bailey's team.
Cooler for Sydney's team.
Snacks for Bailey's team.
Chair for Tara.
Chair for Me
Chair for Sydney
Chair for AJ.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Field Trip
Sydney's class had a field trip to Ivy Creek Natural Area today. It was a beautiful day for it. It was nice and cool in among the trees. Our guide answered our questions and pointed out the things we should notice as good hikers. The creek was almost nonexistent thanks to this awful drought we're experiencing. We did come across a nasty yellow jackets' nest, and one child was stung. He was extremely brave and stoic, however. The kids then went on to fun and lunch at the park, but I skipped out on that part.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Happy Me
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Chapel Hill
Once we parked at the UNC campus, we hooked up with some good friends from home, Tim and Andrea, and the kids had great fun at Tar Heel Town. Cal and Bailey particularly liked this blow up game where they each had to try to shoot a ball in a hoop. The complication was that they were harnessed together on either ends
of a rope creating a kind of tug-of-war. We created a small scene as we posed in front of the giant UNC tee making scowling faces.
Tim provided a special treat when he took us to the Rams' Club for a unique view of the field and plenty of M&M's, chips, pretzels and soda before the game started. Needless to say, we stood out like sore thumbs wearing our navy and orange in a room full of Carolina blue. One of us maintained our life-long 44-plus-year streak of never setting foot inside the Rams' Club.
The day was a huge success, especially when UVA held off UNC to win 22-20. The only casualty was my diet - the worst 24 hours of the past three weeks! We had to come straight home after the game, to be here in time for Calvin's football game on Sunday.
For the record, we don't know how to fix the wacky spacing of the photos relative to the text. It must have something to do with the Blogger software.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Eighty Thousand Miles
For the first time in my life, for the first time in our lives, we are the proud owners of a vehicle with 80,000 original miles. The Excursion passed this historic milestone this afternoon on my way home from work. I was headed north on McIntire Road near the intersection with Nelson Drive.
Our minivan came close. It had just passed 79,300 when we sold it earlier this year.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Ellen's Birthday
Happy Birthday, Ellen!
We wish we could have been with you, of course. Hope it was a wonderful day!
Ellen was here on Father's Day, and we had a little photo opportunity after our lovely dinner with Grammie and Granddad.
I'd like to take a moment to plug one of my favorite online shopping sites for shoes - I've used them several times, and I'm always amazed by their selection and speed of delivery. I ordered Ellen's gift yesterday morning, and sure enough, she received it today! (I'm not proud of my procrastination problem, but Zappos keeps rewarding me for it!)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
License Plates
As you may know, we have for many years given each child a turn at being on the license plates of both my truck and Tara's van. Way back before we were married, Tara had MY TARA and then 6-24-95 (our wedding date).
After Cal was born, I had CAL'S DAD and she had 4-18-96. We used to get a lot of honks and waves from strangers on the way to and from Oriole Park when we were in the truck with that plate.
For Bailey, I had 8-07-97 and Tara had BAILY SU (seven letters is the max allowed).
Up until recently, the van had SYD BEAN (based on her nicknames, Syd Bean and Beaners), and I had SYD'S DAD.
Now, the van has AJ'S TURN and finally today, we changed the truck to AJ ATLST (AJ at last).
Over the years we have saved all the old plates. In the old house we used to have them all mounted on the wall in the garage. One day soon we hope to get them all up on the wall here, too.
Today's Mail
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
No More Excuses
Today, I went to Weight Watchers®. They suggest I set my first goal to lose 10% of my weight. If I reach that, I will set a new goal. Tomorrow will be the first day toward losing 14lbs!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Soccer for Bailey
Tuesday means soccer practice for Bailey. Sydney will play soccer this fall, too, but her soccer hasn't started yet. Bailey is lucky to have the same coach for the second season. She feels slightly unlucky about her August birthday - it means that most of her former teammates/classmates were able to move up to U12 without her. Overall, though, she's just happy to be out there kicking the ball around. First game: September 8th.
Meanwhile, Sydney and AJ try their best to keep themselves occupied while we wait for Bailey to finish.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Youth Triathlon
After deliberating much too long, We've decided to jump into the world of blogging. Mark and I will both use this space to share thoughts and pictures from our family life.
I begin each day checking in here and here, and these spectacular daily logs have inspired me. If I find that I can keep up, I may even attempt the Project 365 challenge!
Today seemed like as good a day as any - 3 out of 4 kids participated in a youth triathlon. At 8am, Bailey and Sydney swam 100 meters, biked 2 miles and ran 1/2 a mile. Because Calvin is now in the 11-and-up bracket, he did twice that! They all finished smoothly with no injuries, and Bailey even placed first among the six 10-year-old girls who competed. I'd like to say that AJ cheered them all on, but I'm not even sure where she was the whole time. I suspect she was near the food table.
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